KORA TAIPEI’S SERIES VOL 01 《臺灣原住民-煥》(全見版)Part 01

KORA TAIPEI’S SERIES VOL 01 《臺灣原住民-煥》(全見版)第一部分

KORA疫情後最新國際創作來到熟悉的台北,因為是KORA,這次的男孩煥首肯拍攝寫真,煥擁有台灣原住民健壯體魄 ,上翹的粗根 ,頑強抗敵,最後還是屈服於獵人的手掌,勁道十足。

Taiwan is brave! ! !

You might familiar with many Taipei boys

but for this one,

his maybe your most favorite.

Good looking guy and tiny cute hot body

but you know what…..

he’s not tiny like you think.

Come see him from the inside and

you will get fascinated by him.

This Taipei Series Feature various models inside,

so you have more to taste for.


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