宋本太郎 Taro 《ORGAN !Part 3 器官 III》Book VOL080+ Video VOL082 (全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 02

宋本太郎 Taro 《ORGAN !Part 3 器官 III》Book VOL080+ Video VOL082 (全見版)第二部分

When sex was over, call boy Johnny got dress and was about to leave when Ian drugged him out. When Johnny awakes, he was bounded up on a kitchen table top.
Just when Johnny thought Ian was attempting BDSM sex theme fun, Ian walks out with a sharp blade and threaten to disembowel him. Johnny played along with fear in his eyes, driving up the excitement for Ian.
Next, Ian begins muscle worshipping Johnny’s body with oil and fondled him until Johnny got an erection. Then proceeded to oral him until he came.
Just when Johnny thought the ordeal is over and he is going to be paid extra for the work. Ian slit open Johnny’s abdomen and harvested both his kidneys.
Johnny screamed in pain through his gagged mouth till his life ebb away
Johnny blooded and lifeless body was left on the kitchen table top while Ian placed both kidneys in an ice box.

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