Blue Photo VOL 234 藍攝 第234期 《可愛高校生-羅恩》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 01

Blue Photo VOL 234 藍攝 第234期 《可愛高校生-羅恩》(全見版)第一部分

MODEL/ 羅恩 喜歡運動的高中生

高中畢業前 羅恩決定拍寫真留給自己一個難忘的畢業禮物
荒野廢墟 無人的甘蔗田 還有最喜歡的海洋


微熱的臉頰 脹紅的大屌
在微涼的天氣 溫暖大家的心靈

MODEL/ Ron A high school student who likes sports
Exercise every day to develop beautiful chest and abdominal muscles
It’s so that one day it will come in handy in front of the person I like

Before graduating from high school, Ron decided to take a photo shoot as an unforgettable graduation gift for himself
Ruins in the wilderness, deserted sugarcane fields, and my favorite ocean
Every scene is carefully designed

at an age where you can get an erection anytime
first time handjob outdoors
First time in front of camera and cum everywhere

Slightly hot cheeks and big red cock
Warm everyone’s soul in cool weather.


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