Blue Photo VOL 235 藍攝 第235期 《籃球隊大學生二次高射砲-David》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 01

Blue Photo VOL 235 藍攝 第235期 《籃球隊大學生二次高射砲-David》(全見版)第一部分

除了打籃球 休假時的David也喜歡到各個秘境探險

人來人往的山林步道 冒著被看見的風險

回到旅館後 洗完澡的David似乎又勃起了

青春無畏的野外露出 二次濃濁噴射

In addition to playing basketball, David also likes to explore various secret places during his vacation
This time I took the photographer with me to the deep mountains to take pictures indiscriminately

Mountain trails with people coming and going, at the risk of being seen
David explores around naked
Even shoots a lot of boy’s essence directly on the big unshielded boulder

Back at the hotel, David appeared to have an erection after taking a shower
Energetic basketball college student
Looks like it’s time to do it again…


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