Blue Men VOL 279 藍男色 第279期 《韓國留學生世勛-微旅行的性感解放》(全見版)【精彩視頻+圖片】Part 01

Blue Men VOL 279 藍男色 第279期 《韓國留學生世勛-微旅行的性感解放》(全見版) 第一部分

跟同學打賭 輸了要再來拍一次全裸寫真
還加碼一定要勃起 要有特寫 要拍屁股


臉色潮紅 世勛看起來好尷尬 卻充滿誘惑
節節漲大的粉紅色肉棒 光滑發亮的龜頭
清晰的馬眼 布滿青筋的大屌


Bet with classmates, if you lose, you will have to take another nude photo
The condition must have an erection, a close-up, and a butt
I also have to get naked in the wild at landmarks where I can clock in
Shixun jokingly said that next time he will catch a group of classmates and take pictures together

Step by step according to the specified conditions
We are going to take a designated erection photo in the hotel
Sehun grabbed the dick and smiled and said he was shy

His face flushed, Sehun looked embarrassed but full of temptation
The pink meat stick that grows up steadily, the smooth and shiny glans
Clear horse eyes, big cock full of blue veins

Naked the huge secrets of Korean students.




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