Blue Men VOL 158 藍男色 第158期 《東諺-體育男孩的裸睡日光浴》(全見版)

Blue Men VOL 158 藍男色 第158期 《東諺-體育男孩的裸睡日光浴》(全見版)

剛搬到新的宿舍 就讓決定在這拍寫真
攝影師說 這樣會不會太刺激

擁有黝黑的肌膚 結實的肌肉線條
習慣裸睡的人 終究不敵衣物礙人束縛 脫了

這調皮小怪獸的各種姿態 好挑釁

Just moved to the new dormitory
I decided to shoot a photo album here.

The photographer said that this would be too exciting
We sneaked into the boys’ dormitory

He is a member of the ball school team
Has dark skin, strong muscle lines
And used to sleeping naked, finally take off their clothes.

The left-hand clasps the big one
The various poses of this naughty little monster are so provocative
But I don’t want you to bully it.
It, only I can bully ( lick~

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