宋本太郎 Taro VOL 080 + Book VOL 074 《Love Boat 愛輪》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 02

宋本太郎 Taro VOL 080 + Book VOL 074 《Love Boat 愛輪》(全見版)第二部分

Love Boat

It was thunderstorm out in the open sea, everyone was tired and overworked. Wei just ended his work shift and walked into his bunk complaining about being super tired. While Wei removed his jump suit and got undressed for shower, his new roommate Hartano look at him snakingly. As Wei striped down to his birthday suit, Hartono can’t help admiring his beautiful body.
“Hey! New comer, what’s your name? I am Hartano”. “Call me Wei.”
Wei walked out draped in a towel towards the bathroom. While showering the lights flickered and the ship rock violently.
Back at bunk, Hartano was already asleep when Wei walked in. Wei removed his towel, dried himself and crept into bed naked.
All the while, unaware that Hartano was secretly looking at him.
Deep into the night, Wei was awoken by a tingling sensation underneath the blanket that felt so good. Half awoke, he flipped over his blanket and saw Hartano sucking his erect dick.
Shocked! He shouted at Hartano at the offence. Hartano knew Wei’s ego was against his body’s wishes when he saw Wei moist pulsating manhood.
Calmly he said: “It’s going to be 3 months without any women on board, let me help you relieve some stress.”
With the assurance, Wei kind of calm down and didn’t say anything. Hartano took silence for agreement and when down on Wei again. Wei was really horny and even though he is straight, he simply closed his eyes and let Hartano service him.
Both guys made out on the bed with Wei topping Hartano. Until Wei emptied his load on Hartano.
“Hey! Buddy! Thanks! You are right, I never knew having sex with guys can be that satisfying.”
After the session, both cuddled for a while before showering together. Wei then expressed he looked forward to the next session.

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