Blue Men VOL 340 藍男色 第340期 《鄰家男友-維克的調情按摩》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 01

Blue Men VOL 340 藍男色 第340期 《鄰家男友-維克的調情按摩》(全見版)第一部分

瞬間全身赤裸的維克 好性感!

輕輕的按摩 輕聲的問 累不累?
是按摩 是抒壓 更多的是挑逗

我硬了! 他看起來也很想要!

Take the ambiguous friend home
Vic’s towel slipped off just after taking a shower
Vic, who is naked in an instant, is so sexy!

Vic puts his hands on his shoulders
Gently massage, ask softly, are you tired?
slide hands over every part of his body
It’s massage, it’s stress relief, it’s more teasing

I got hard! He looks like he wants too!


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