NAI Photobook Magazine VOL 05 模特:Benz 【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 01

NAI Photobook Magazine VOL 05 模特:Benz 第一部分

…First of all, let’s say the word “Happy New Year” officially again, hoping that ‘Nai’, the year-end edition of 2022, will be the edition that makes many people Happy people, happy end of the year. and when entering the new year We have a new piece of work. with a young man selected by ‘Nai’ to start the year 2023 with ‘Benz’, the northern young man, plus a degree of handsomeness guaranteed …But to get ‘Benz’ to attend the event is not easy at all. Because all the time when Dew works together, sometimes it makes me almost give up. Until when I actually met Instead, it’s not like Q because the real ‘Benz’ is someone who, if anyone has the opportunity to work with, will know that ‘Benz’ is a person who is very full of work. It’s called having 10 for 100!!! …after we met I have already tested the picture. concluded an appointment for a lightning-fast shooting date Because from the postponement of the appointment back and forth Until finally enough to get the day that the team And the place is perfect. The weather was perfect on the day of filming. Because it is the first day of the month in December when the weather in Bangkok has a temperature of 20 …Although the weather is cold, “Benz” is full, not complaining at all. It shows the intention of this young man’s work. The elders are more than fully satisfied with the work as well. This work, my face, cloth mats, can be called full. Plus, throughout the filming, you will see smiles. And the laughter of “Benz” from time to time made me feel relieved as well. …Hopefully this photo shoot of “Benz” will make many people get to know the sweet-eyed young man. Smile more beautiful people. And hope to be another young man who will be on the list of hot young men this year How do you follow? And encourage “Benz” together as well ……Hopefully this New Year’s gift will be liked by all ‘Nai’ fans, and most importantly, please from the bottom of our hearts, please download the copyrighted works. And absolutely do not bring the work of ‘Nai’ to be published outside. In case the team can produce good quality work, there are new handsome men to introduce to each other. 


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