Blue Men VOL 365 藍男色 第365期 《車震-心跳加速的極限歡愉-Aaron&Steven 》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EBOOK】Part 01

Blue Men VOL 365 藍男色 第365期 《車震-心跳加速的極限歡愉-Aaron&Steven 》(全見版)第一部分

車震/心跳加速的極限歡愉-Aaron&Steven 1069/ 全見噴射

「 第一次約會 他主動牽著我的手
在下課的時段 擁擠的車廂
藉著一次次停煞 他的胸口合理的貼著我的身體 然後他…親吻了我

我害羞的低頭 喘氣
感受他的手不安分的在我的身體四處探索…… 」

在無人的私密車庫 做什麼都可以很大膽

他的饑渴 他的急促喘息 我很快的被幹射了
看著他汗如雨下的奮力抽插 我好像又快要…

超突破的尺度 射完了又射的滿滿高潮
快 ~ 點進來!

「 On the first date he offered to hold my hand
Crowded carriages during school hours
By stopping again and again his chest made sense against my body and he…kissed me

I lower my head shyly and gasp
Feeling his hands groping restlessly around my body…」

We share our first encounter with the photographer
So this sexy photobook based on our story was born
In the privacy of no one’s garage, you can be bold in everything you do
So make love in the car

His hunger, his shortness of breath, I’m fast fucked
Watching him sweating profusely and thrusting hard, I feel like I’m about to…

Super breakthrough scale, full of orgasms after ejaculation






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