Blue Photo VOL 270 藍攝 第270期 《可愛的天秤座少年-木木》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EOOK】Part 01

Blue Photo VOL 270 藍攝 第270期 《可愛的天秤座少年-木木》(全見版)【精彩視頻+EOOK】第一部分

model: 木木
最浪漫的天秤座 有愛心 喜歡小動物

趁著暑假的空檔 放下學業拍攝寫真

結果因為身體太敏感的緣故 一不小心就射了兩次

model: Mumu
The most romantic Libra is caring and likes small animals

Taking advantage of the gap in the summer vacation, I put down my studies and took photos
Go to the secret place in the mountains and show off your 100% handsome smile

When I was in the hotel, I wanted to use a harder shot
As a result, because the body is too sensitive, I accidentally ejaculated twice
so shy…




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